Life Uplifted

Always Craving Sugar? 10 Ways To Kick Sugar Cravings To The Curb

Lauren Venosta Episode 40

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In this episode we're talking all about sugar cravings and 10 tangible ways that you can reduce or eliminate them completely. It's a short, educational episode that you can put into practice today!

Key points in this episode:

  • Ten ways to kick sugar cravings to the curb
    • Reduce or eliminate caffeine
    • Get hydrated
    • Eat more sweet veggies + fruits
    • Use natural sweeteners
    • Get your body moving
    • Sleep more
    • Evaluate your protein intake
    • Avoid fat-free or low-fat dairy
    • Use more spices
    • Slow down your lifestyle
  • Cravings are messengers from the body signaling something deeper
  • Listen to your cravings and look for the root issue rather than masking it 

Quote of the episode:
"Your body is ALWAYS communicating with you. Symptoms are messengers from the body. Like a check engine light in a car. Same with cravings. It simply means something is off balance. Dig deeper. Ask what your body needs. Don’t simply fill the craving or mask the symptom that your body so miraculously shares with you. We are blessed to have bodies that ask for help!"  -Lauren Venosta

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